FFXV Save file not loading

Hey. For FFXV windows edition, you can actually copy saved files for another play later in another device. But I've encounter where the new game does not load copied save files.

The game pulls the saved file from multiple places. So replacing just one source may not force the game to read your files. Remember to backup first, then try pasting into these:

1. In your user document
C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XV\Steam\#######\savestorage\gameplay

2. In the Public user document

3. In the Program Files folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\########\###########\remote


Extra info,

- Screenshots are called snapshots, they are stored in
C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XV\Steam\#######\savestorage\snapshot
Not in Public, not in Program Files even though they have the same folders.

- MODS or modifications, are stored in Game folder (Program files). 
C:\Program Files\FFXV\items
Not User Document, eventhough it also has a Mod folder there.
BUT, user settings on Mod on and off, as well as Mod registration, are in a list in User Documents.